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Interactive Student Notebook and Note Taking


      Interactive notebooks enable students to organize, process information and develop life-long studey skills. Using the left and right sides of the notebook fosters active engagement in the learning process. The LEFT side of the notebooks, students explore diverse methods of demonstrating learining through graphic organizers, poems, charts, etc. On the RIGHT side is for teacher input:information of classroom notes, presentations, and other information. For students, teachers, and parents, the interactive notebook becomes a portolio of the student's learning and growth during the year. Students and parents are able to review assignments and new learing concepts, as well as student thinking, writing, illustrations, and organizational skills. These notebooks become a review guide for the 7th grade Virginia SOL's when complete. Student notebooks are graded! A "master" copy of the notebook is in the classroomf or students to review due to absences or if they should misplace their notebook.

     Learing study skills and note taking is an  acquired skill. Stuents who develop these skills increase their learning curve and will have more positive assessment results. The following internet links are for teachers, parrents, and students who wan to pursue this topic further and provie resources for note taking skills, graphic organizers, and more.




Interactive Notebooks…

Are colorful with diagrams, bullets and arrows

Are in pencil and crayon

Are presented in a unique, personal style

Key ideas are underlined in color or highlighted

Venn diagrams show relationships

Cartoon sketches show people and events

Timelines illustrate chronology

Arrows show relationships



Interactive Notebooks require…

Students to record concepts in an engaging way

They use several types of writing and innovative graphic techniques to record these concepts

They are forced to process these ideas

They might transform written concepts into visuals

Find the main idea of the concept being taught

Use a graphic organizer to explain the concepts

Students are encouraged to use critical thinking and be more creative, independent thinkers


Click the pencil to visit the link.

​ this site will lead you to many other links and provide information about the positive features of interactive notebooks.

  this page has many links for using diverse note taking and organizational templates.


If you want interactive notebook activities already made for ANY subject, check out this site. Although many of the notebooks are based on the Virginia SOLS, content for topic is pretty universal.​

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